Muvhango’ actress, Constance Sibiya has been crowned a bishop at the Christ Centre Episcopal church.

She was appointed by Revered Matriarch Constance Sibiya as the official bishop-elect for the Communion of Episcopal and Apostolic Churches International.

Her husband, Dr Abraham Sibiya, is the archbishop of the African region at Saint Athanasius of Alexandria.

According to report, Constance spoke about her appointment saying during her permanent tenure she hopes to serve the African region to the best of her abilities.

Being one of few female bishops, Constance intends to empower women in the church to more senior positions despite possible discrimination.

Constance said: “The challenge is in many countries, not only in Africa but all over the world, women are relegated to lower positions in the church. Together with other women, I will work assiduously to bring women into the bishopric.

“I know I will have to contend with male chauvinistic stereotypes concerning women in church leadership, but I trust God for the grace of navigating all.