Must See: Families of Slay Queens that died with Ginimbi struggle with funeral expenses

Families of slay Queens that died with Ginimbi struggle with funeral expenses

While Ginimbi is going to go out in style in a versace casket costing thousands of US Dollars and an all white funeral this Saturday.The family of Mimie Moana and Alichia Adams the girls who died in a car accident with GinimbiĀ is struggling to raise money to give them a decent funeral.

Ginimbi was already a rich worth hundreds of million of dollars but still there are so many people contributing towards his funeral , from his friends , ministers and business partners .

But on the other hand in Moanas home in Highveld where her funeral wake is they are struggling with finances to give their daughter a decent funeral .The family went public asking for donations from the public Friends of Ginimbi ended up donating to the family.

On the other hand the family of Alichia Adams revealed they are struggling to raise the money to bring her back home in Mozambique .They approached her official boyfriend Lima but hes says he’s not getting involved because Alichia had lied to him about her whereabouts while she was partying a storm in Zimbabwe.

Many people have slammed the late slay Queens saying they wore expensive designer clothes and travelled exotic destinations while not having anything secured for their future .

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