Musa sold Mayeni dreams as she breakdown to cry on tv

Mayeni said that as the individual spouses they all dont now what lie they were offered to one another. Mayeni just implied that Musa has misled her and Musa may have deceived Macele/Makhumalo/Mangwabe. In any case, the untruths coud be unique.

This bodes well since it seems like these ladies they have an alternate piece of this man . Wherein a similar time it seems like they are not hitched to the individual while they are, I dont know whether what I’m stating bodes well yet it resembles Musa has been partition by the 4 sections and every spouse have their own part. Any way that is simply me murmuring.

On the journal season Mayeni was asked by the maker in the event that she can share the falsehoods which she says Musa has advised her yet Mayeni wouldn’t utter a word and she rather asked to be pardoned from that inquiry.

This is extremely tragic on the grounds that Mayeni has been taken as the stroongest spouse of all the four and to see her separate and cry implies that she has been profoundly harmed by those untruths that mus has told.