Musa Mseleku’s wifes; Makhumalo & Mbali Might Hate Each Others Guts After This Happened

MaNgwabe kniwn as Mbali and Makhumalo might hate each others guts after this meeting. In the last episode of season 5 we saw MaNgwabe and Makhumalo getting in hot arguments because Makhumalo’s father send MaNgwabe’s child to open a gate. Mangwabe didnt understand the assignment when she got into Isithembu (Polygamy) she thinks everything is about her.



The mistake that Musa Mseleku made is to hire Makhumalo’s father as a driver of their kids to school. From the truth, Makhumalo’s father did not do anything because he was sending a child who is also his grandchild. It’s sad that Mbali does not see it that way. To Her no one should send her child to do anything because it’s an abuse.

Viewers Is convinced that Mbali has a Problem with MaKhumalo and her dad. On today’s episode of #UthandoNesthembu we found out that sending child to open the gate for you is “ill treating him or her”.

Many viewers are not happy with Mbali and her behavior. Social media has gotten to her head and they want her out of the show. MmaKhumalo reasons very well. She understands that marriage comes with a lot work. She communicates well. I like that for her. Her Father did well with her shem.

Mbali is being spiteful in perpose become she knows very MaKhumalo can’t have kids hence she’s so rude. If it was her father transporting the kids she wouldn’t have a problem.

What do you think about this new season of Uthando Nesthembu. Share your thoughts and views.