Musa Mseleku’s daughter Speaks On her Bond with her Biological mother

Makhmalo’s stepdaughter Enhle may have attained her required results for grade 12. It seems like her dream and plans to study very far away from her home in Gauteng did not come to pass.

Her dreams left the Mseleku’s busy in finding someone that could fit Enhle’s space at Makhumalo’s house. Musa even took advantage of this by attempting to marry a woman from Makhuymalo’s family and make her his 5th wife. He wanted to do this so that he could get a child that will stay at Makhumalo’s house.



Enhlerecently revealed that she is now studying at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. This may have been a huge train crash for Musa Mseleku who wanted to use her departure to his advantage.

Even with her beauty, Enhle also said that she does not date in a response to one of her fans who was drooling over her. However, she managed to bag herself a date with one of her fans who offered to take her out.

The big question that many people have is whether Enhle has a relationship with her biological mother or not. It turns out that the two are pretty much locked. When asked who else she would open up to if not Makhumalo. Enhle responded to the question by revealing that she would choose her biological mother.

it is a good thing to finally see that the Mseleku children are growing to show their characters individually. Now we wait to see what they have in store for us as we wait for another season of the Mseleku family’s reality show, Uthando Nesthembu. It seems like at the moment Enhle is in good books with her biological mother and they have a solid relationship.

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