The sixth season of Uthando Nesthembu recently kicked off on Friday on DSTV channel 103. On the recently aired second episode of the show, MaKhumalo spoke with her daughter Mpilo Mseleku.Uthando Nesthembu’: MaKhumalo Receives Major Love for Raising Mpilo as Her Own
The last time that she addressed her father’s issue with MaNgwabe was during the meeting that they hosted in the first episode of season 6. MaNgwabe still maintained that Thobile’s father ill-treated her kids. She even said that MaKhumalo’s daughter Mpilo witnessed the incident as it unfolded.
MaKhumalo then asked her daughter Mpilo about what happened and what MaNgwabe said about her seeing MaNgwabe’s kids being ill-treated by Mr. Khumalo.
Mpilo is now talking a different story about the incident. She is now no longer an eyewitness as MaNgawabe made it seem to MaKhumalo.Enhle Mseleku Says She Loves Her Biological Mother MaKhumalo Mseleku. – South Africa Rich And Famous
This, however, is not sitting well with Mpilo because of it. looks like MaNgwabe used her name in the meeting to fight her own battles with MaNgwabe, and by doing that, she sounded like it was a way of making her story believable to MaNgwabe.
A fan who saw the episode took to Twitter and suggested that MaNgwabe’s sister reported the matter because she felt like her kids were neglected.
“Her sister (MaNgwabe’s) saw it and reported it because he made the child walk from the gate and waited for the kid at the house to carry the child. I don’t know what the arrangement is, maybe she felt like her kids were neglected and why didn’t Mpilo open the gate”, wrote Yolisa Dzanibe.
In my opinion, I would say that MaNgwabe ill-treated Mpilo. It was wrong of her to do what she did to Mpilo. I might have even lost some respect for her because of how she treated a child. What MaNgwabe has started, she cannot finish herself.
Remember that the children stopped using Mr. Khumalo’s car to school and now she is struggling to fetch the kids from school because she is also busy at work. Let us know in the comments what you think about what MaNgwabe did to Mpilo.Thobile Makhumalo Mseleku Biography, Age, Family, – 9ja Daily