MaCele has been criticized over the dress sje put on her daughter’s awards achievement. Taking to social media viewers could not help but to give their piece of mind on her outfits. MaCele and Mseleku have attended an awards ceremony at the school where their daughter, Abongwe, attends.
MaCele and her husband Musa has has a daughter who has been misleading the whole mzansi. Most of the comments expressed by fans were displeasure with the way MaCele was dressed because they were not used to seeing her like that. Mzansi has forgotten that she’s not a 2000 remember she’s a mom and a wife. She’s perfect like that people need to chill. I think this is the real her. She can’t always dress up like she’s going on tv show yoh. But lyena she could have made a little effort.
Some even pondered where the lovely garments she wore on TV are being taken to in light of the fact that she didn’t look so great in the image. It’s not always tat they have makeup artist and fashion stylist this is the result off camera give her a break tats her original style it’s only a show. As long as she feel comfortable t one of those days.
It’s amazing how we continue to bring down our fellow Black people. Umuntu dresses the way they feel comfortable so those who have a problem with her dress code they must go jump to nearest river. People stopped congratulating Abongwe and then criticized and made fun of Macele’s unsatisfactory dress, they were the ones who reprimanded the critics but you could see that most of them were really disappointed because they knew her as a stylish person who made sure she always looked glorious.
Some people have better things to consider than just clothes. Leave Mamkhulu alone. Small minds, clothes do not define her. She has s restaurant. She has a beautiful home and she is happy. That’s all that matters. Her outfit is not a concern to us or her family , the most important thing wright now is her supposed towards her child , who obtain certificate thanks for your loving support as a parent