Musa Khawula cancelled on YouTube after insulting Connie Ferguson & her late husband

Musa Khawula cancelled on YouTube after insulting Connie Ferguson & her late husband

News and status matters to allot of people in SA, and gossip is one of the worst of them all. Connie Ferguson has been attacked by an internet influencer whom she has no ties with.




Musa Khawula recently insulted Connie Ferguson on the internet without warning, the internet influencer who has followers on Twitter, YouTube, Instagram has been on alot of people’s cases lately and many of them have went on to reply him to stop talking about them.

Musa Khawula said something harsh about Connie Ferguson and her late husband that hurt alot of people, Musa referred to Connie’s husband as a dead man and went on to call her inappropriate names which got a lot of people hurt and deeply disappointed in him.

Musa was then later on cancelled on twitter, Instagram, and YouTube for what he had said about Connie Ferguson and her husband. Many Twitter users shared they’re own opinions towards him getting cancelled,