Murdah Bongz makes fun of his wife DJ Zinhle See more

Many married couples have been told that they should marry their best friends. Or be each other’s bestfriends. They are absolutely right because a third party always brings problems for a couple. When you are best friends, you will know each other very well and spend a lot of time together.

Marrying someone whose personality agrees with yours, guarantees a happy life. DJ Zinhle is always laughing whenever she is with her husband Murdah Bongz. It is quite clear that the dj is her happy place. They both have busy schedules and we wonder how they do it.

Zinhle’s cheek is swollen after she visited a dentist to remove her tooth. The cheek her caused her mouth to not be the same. She shared video call between her and her husband, who was making fun of her. We are not surprised at all because we know he lives to make her laugh.