Mseleku and Mangwabe got themselves in trouble as their past might end their union

Mbali’s new jokes and odd conduct in Musa Mseleku’s polygamous family has driven numerous to just theorize her purposes behind doing as such, however it appears we might have discovered the reason why. This thus has been causing ruin for Musa and Mangwabe.

Mbali has been doing a wide range of things like those by somebody who needs to leave a marriage or family. Then again, Mangwabe has been the despondent one prompting her stalemates with Musa within the sight of the entire family and expressing cruel things towards one another.





What else would you be able to anticipate from a polygamous family arrangement incorporating various individuals with various foundations and characters? Dramatization, obviously. MaCele in an episode the previous evening went on a ride of outrage later her kids got a brush off from Mangwabe. This was later they welcomed her and received no reaction consequently.

At the point when Musa’s past faces his current we get Mbali’s present conduct. This is the most ideal justification for her jokes as she asserts that Musa backtracked on a guarantee he made to her. He had pledged not to wed one more spouse again assuming Mbali was given to her and it’s the contrary that came first once they traded promises.

Concerning MaYeni, she was confused on why individuals guarantee each other stuff while in bed which they then, at that point, neglect to offer. The following week’s episode appears to be a thrill ride as Musa requests to have a sweetheart, since his concept of having a fifth spouse was met with refusal.

For her development and comprehension of polygamy, MaKhumalo isn’t griping and is accepting the way things are. One week from now will be something different on this unscripted TV drama and in Musa’s reality the startling ought not out of the ordinary.