Mr and Mrs Malema go to church. They enjoyed a song and dance while singing and praising. Pictures.

We all know Julius JuJu Malema as a firebrand and very controversial politician. Just ask former president Jacob Zuma about Malema then you will understand.

When he is not rising on endless point of orders in parliament, Julius Malema apparently is a very spiritual person. He actually attended TB Jushua’s church in Nigeria before he fell from fame when people died at his church after the roof collapsed on them.

Malema has always been a big fan of Tbotouch. Tbotouch is a former Metro FM drive time Dj. He was shown the door after he had a disagreement with the management of the station.




Tbotouch posted a video of Mr and Mrs Malema enjoying a song and dance while praising God. In the video Malema and Wife Mantwa can be seen singing and dancing in what appeared to be a tend for a church.

It is good to see that Malema is a religious man and usually takes time out to praise and worship the Creator.
