As Mpho, Azwimmbavhi Rambuda of the SABC 2 drama Muvhango posted a video to Instagram ( that has now gone viral. portraying the bride’s wedding day. The video begins with the bride getting her makeup done before the ceremony, and then cuts to the event itself, which took place in a church.
Family and friends, including Candy Magidimisa, who plays Sharon Mukwevho on Muvhango, attended the wedding. To all appearances, Candy was the maid of honor, what with her standing by the bride and holding her bouquet during the ring exchange with the groom, Lucky Litelu. The bride wore a stunning white sheath dress with a touch of feathering on top, while Lucky donned a blue suit embellished with crystals.
There is a great love story behind this pair because they met when they were young, married, and raised two children together, and are still together now. This is a model relationship that young people can aspire to have.