More Drama at MaMkhize’s Household Non Diclosure Contract

It has been a rollercoaster ride for Royal AM chairman Andile Mpisane. However there is also drama week in and week out in his life. He has been seen a lot with his wife posing and pushing the Gucci swag. Andile has since parted ways with his previous partner Sithelo Shozi. There were some trust issues as Andile questioned the paternity of the second baby.




According to a source Shawn Mkhize, Andile’s mother did welcome a suggested paternity test for Andile’s second child. MaMkhize does not see eye to eye with Sithole. It seems like she didn’t trust Sithole as she was not convinced because Sithole is bit older than Andile.

According to a source Andile stared to date Sithole while he was still 17 meaning Sithelo was 24 at that time. Because of the back and back fourth he had with Sithole regarding the paternity test for the child. He decided to move on and marry his new girlfriend Louw. Sithelo has been left isolated. Mamkhize has taken over the responsibility of taking care of the child. The drama does not end there it continues. According to a close source to Shozi. Shawn Mkhize did suggest that Shozi sign a non disclosure contract. However Sithelo had second thought as she refuse to sign to sign the contract.

According to reports Andile has taken back the car he bought for Shozi. A luxurious BMW about two months ago. He then bought his newly wife Tamia a luxurious Range Rover.

Andile Mpisane’s life has been a been quite dramatic. However he could be faced with another storm as the new wife is suspected to be pregnant by those close her.

He will have too many responsibilities to take care of. It remains to be seen whether he will tone down on lavish lifestyle he currently enjoys.

Shawn Mkhize is quite excited about have a “Makoti”. She takes a good care of her.
