Mona ‘s Heartfelt tribute Letter To Her Late Daughter

Mona writes a heartfelt tribute to her late daughter “I long to hug you again” Former Muvhango actress Mona Monyane wrote a heartfelt letter to her late daughter Amani on Instagram. Amani died in late 2017, just seven days after she was born. he misses his daughter every day.

“I remember you fondly. I hold on to the moments when you were still safe within me. I cry for you when the pain penetrates my bones again. I ask and accept many times a day. In the lessons you taught meThe love that you left me with I miss you every day. Much to hold you one more time I remember you darling I have you safe in my heart, “she wrote to Opening publicly about her daughter’s death for the first time on YouTube with Wendy Ntinezo.

Mona said she decided to keep it to herself because she received criticism on social media. when she was pregnant with Amani … “What happened that I did not publish is the death of my second child. Pregnancy has already been criticized so much that I have had to defend one of the most beautiful things I’ve experienced and that is motherhood. “When my baby comes around in my arms seven days later, I sit there and ask, ‘Okay, what’s up ? ‘ … It was very sudden.

If you talk about spirituality and knowledge, I guess I always knew. I saw the signs, I heard the news, that this was an angel who brought a message and left, not necessarily staying, ”he said to Wendy. Mona also wrote another emotional letter. your baby divine promise. He said that he named his divine promise because he knew that his birth would come with revelations.

“I called you my divine promise because I knew that when you were born the revelation would come that I needed from God that everything would be all right. You saved me, you resuscitated me, you made me grow. I am in awe of you, my sun and my light. You give me an indescribable joy! I pray to be the mother you deserve to be inspired by. To be every part of the greatness that I see in you.

“Me work on myself every day and do it the best that I can, my angel, for you are the greatest testimony to the power and grace of God and I am honored to be your mother.On this day I pray that you will be forever protected from all darkness and evil. I pray that God’s favor will stay in your life all of your days. On this day I say