Mohale Sticking By His Selfie Promise His New Year’s Resolution is underway

Post main imageMohale Motaung is keeping up with his new year’s resolution for his fans. The celeb has been showering us with selfies on his Instagram. They’re really cute and positive. We appreciate the good vibesWe love how he’s smiling in every photo and fans have commented about it. We think this is a part of his plan to create a ‘mood board’ for the new year. Maybe it’ll end up inspiring the rest of us, too!

He’s spreading information, too

Mohale looks handsome in all his pics, but it’s not just about serving us looks. He’s using his social media influence to spread important information too. In an Instagram video, he shares his tips on staying safe and protected during COVID.The caption reads, “Let’s stay safe and protected. Post a video of yourself telling me how you are staying safe. Use the hashtag #DistellChallenge to stand a chance of winning R50,000.”

Fans have flooded the comments with their safety tips. Some of them are quite helpful. Here are a few of them:

“Social distance while I’m away from home along with wearing a mask to prevent bringing the virus back to my family.”

“I wash my hands before and after doing activities. I wear my mask every time I go out, I use a hand sanitizer. When I sneeze, I ensure to use my elbow as a cover up. I stand 1.5 meters away from a person in the queue, I don’t shake hands with my friends or family, I use the sanitizer to disinfect germs and bacteria or substances at home, I follow the COVID 19 rules and protocols #DistellChallenge”
“#distellchallenge stay home it’s also good for the complexion.”

“I only go out to work and get essential the rest of the family stay home the more we minimize contact with other people the better #DistellChallenge”

“I wear a mask and wash it after every wear. I no longer shake hands with anyone. I sanitize and wash my hands always. I don’t go to parties or crowded places. I try to keep my distance whenever in public. I put my clothes in the laundry basket when coming from outside. Cover my sneeze. Disinfect my house regularly. List is endless #DistellChallenge”

Good start to the new year