Miss South Africa Ndavi Nokeri visits Cape Town for the first time

It was a time to savour for South Africa’s newly crowned queen Ndavi Nokeri as she visited Cape Town for the very first time since winning the crown.\


Nokeri beat a bevy of beauties to claim the Miss South Africa crown and she is set to represent the country.

She was lauded by numerous South Africans for her high intelligence as well as her beauty.

She is in Cape Town on official business and R1 million has already been raised for young school children.

Nokeri touched down in the Cape on Thursday as Sun International’s GrandWest donated more than R1m to four early childhood development and special needs centres in the province.

She has already shown just how active she can be and a lot is expected from her during her ambassador role.

Educational material and resources were also provided to two special needs centres in Cape Town so that they could create a more supportive environment for the adults and children who attend them daily.

It was not reported how long she will be in South Africa.