Minnie Dlamini speaks out why Her Marriage ended

Minnie Dlamini speaks out……..

Before everything else, Minnie Dlamini said that when marriage ends, it doesn’t at the moment of announcement but it ended years ago.

She said that, by the time she announced the end of her marriage, it was ended long ago. She said that she didn’t know what she wanted. She was not matured enough and timing was not right for her to get marriage and she end up losing herself at the marriage. She blamed herself for her marriage failure.


The sad thing is that in a lot of cases, women are the ones rushing men into getting married, and this happens.. a lot of women don’t want to get married, they want the wedding day so they can take instagram pictures.

Comments :

” As a married woman myself, I can confirm I lost my old self in marriage. I can’t be going on weekend drives with my single friends, my whole life is dedicated to my husband and children. On weekends I go out with them, drive and have holidays with my children. ”