Minnie Dlamini recent pictures

Minenhle Jones née Dlamini known as Minnie is a South African on-air personality, actress and model. In 2010 she was selected as the new presenter for the SABC 1 Friday live-music show Live Amp.

Born: 7 July 1990 (age 30 years), Durban

Spouse: Quinton Jones (m. 2017)

Education: University of Cape Town

Siblings: Khosini

Minnie Dlamini just got the internet crazy after posting her recent pictures on her Instagram, Minnie Dlamini has given birth last year but she doesn’t look like someone who don’t have a baby. Minnie Dlamini Jones is in a good shape and has serving us with fashion goals and winter body.

Minnie Dlamini is one of those celebrity who has been in the entertainment industry for so long ever since she was still in her teens, people have grown to love her. She’s one of the public figure who had many followers and she has much active on social media.

Minnie Dlamini is a married woman, her and her husband have been one of those celebrity marriage that will make you believe in marriage. It makes more young people to believe in love, that there still hope