Messages pour in for former Amazulu coach, Benni McCarty

A moving day for coach Benni McCarthy and his former team’s Amazulu fans was the day they opened letters of gratitude from people he had inspired during his days as a renowned football player. 




Benni McCarty’s success as coach of the Amazulu squad, which he led to the continental caf competition, remains a fond memory for many young people. However, his accomplishments on the field, including a Champions League victory with Porto, will forever cement his status as a national hero in the eyes of older South African soccer fans. 

Coach Benni McCarty, who was featured in the most current issue of Huawei, was the recipient of several flowers after South Africans were asked to designate people who have inspired them. 

“I wanted to be an athlete, and Benni McCarty was the one who made me fall in love with soccer. My current job as a soccer coach is all owed to him “, to which a different competitor replied. 

“He is an inspiring role model who is showing our youngsters the importance of having lofty goals. He should be the next coach of the Bafana Bafana “A different rival observed. 

While his reputation among supporters of different teams may vary, he enjoys widespread acclaim from his countrymen for his leadership on problems outside of sports.