Messages Are Pouring In For Gigi




A famous Musician by the name of Gigi Lamayne was trending for all the right reasons on Twitter, the talented musician was aploaded for her gesture of donating her clothes for girls who are coming from families of a poor background.

And she ask her followers to comment with names and places of where she can make those donations, they’re a lot of people who are suffering they don’t even have nice clothes as a result. Plus right now is not yet spring those clothes are going to play a huge role in making people feel very warm.

Her fans urged her to keep on doing the right thing, Because she’s helping those who are in need and as a results God should keep on blessing her, because she has a heart of helping those who are in need and those who are less fortunate. She’s setting a perfect example that if you’re fortunate in life never look down on the poor.