Melita’s house caught flames because Ivy invaded her dinner with Obed last night

Things are not looking good at all for Melita, and this is all because of Ivy who came to fetch her husband from Melita. Melita prepared a beautiful dinner but Ivy was not having it at all. Melita and Ivy kept on insulting each other and better they are between one another while the dinner that Melita prepared caught flames. Melita wants to be loved like other women out there, but she keeps on falling for wrong men.


Now that he house will be in flames, where will Melita and her children live? I think the safest place where they can live it’s at the Kgomo house. They have plenty of rooms and they can accommodate Melita and her children as well. Ivy will not allow it but because of the love that Mr Kgomo has for Melita, she will definitely get a place to sleep. I think Melita should sue Ivy for trespassing her house the way she did. It is her fault that Melita will now be homeless. On the other hand, Obed will be in trouble with Melita because she is going to demand a new beautiful house from him and his house. This means that Obed and Ivy are indebted to Melita forever unless if he gets married to Melita.

This scene is really a lesson to many people, the writers of this show are doing an amazing job. Hopefully people will learn to control their feelings when it comes to love because Melita is also fighting for Obed.