Melita Called Mr Kgomo While She Was Working Yet He Didn’t Answer His Telephone See What Will Happen

Melita chose to leave him a message. She let him know that Ivy was inappropriate to throw him out their home.

She additionally said that he ought to come and reside in her home as opposed to resting in Lodgings. At the point when she was as yet bustling recording, she understood that Ivy was remaining close to her and she was paying attention to all that she was saying.

Ivy said nothing, she just checked her and left out. At the point when Ivy was going to leave the Emergency clinic, she chose to proceed to address Melita.

She told her that she ought to be embarrassed about what she has done in light of the fact that it sometimes falls short for her. She told her that assuming she keeps having illicit relationships with wedded men, she won’t ever encounter genuine romance. She likewise let Melita know that she will become old alone without an accomplice.




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