Meet Uzalo and Durban Gen actor, Zulu Boy and his beautiful girlfriend. See more pictures

Mxolisi Majozi also recognized as Zuluboy is a South African actor and musician from Ntuzuma, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He has worked with legendary South African hip hop artists, most of whom he drew notion from such as PRO.







The actor and musician is popularly known for his great music and great acting talent, he good in both fields and he has been making waves in the entertainment industry for a while now as he persuaded his career when he was still young. He is close popularly known for his appearance on Uzalo and on Durban Gen as MacGyver.

Zuluboy is also known as an award winning rapper for his great talent. The actor was known to be married to Andiswa Gebashe but their marriage only lasted for five years. The two were married for five years and met when Andiswa invited Zuluboy to a meeting to discuss a mentorship for deaf people.

Zuluboy is a very secretive person but is pretty obvious that he has managed to move on with his life as he sometimes shares beautiful pictures with his new partner. Here are some pictures from his posts, don’t they just look beautiful together? Share your thoughts by leaving a comment below, like and don’t forget to hit the share button.