Meet Top Famous Female Celebrities Who Suffered From Mental Illness

Big homes, bigger bank accounts, fancy cars, and oodles of fans — it seems celebrities have it all. But celebrity doesn’t protect from mental health problems. Many of today’s biggest stars are sharing candid information about their battles with mental illness.

Being in the public eye is part of the job when becoming a star, but it can make it more difficult to navigate one’s problems. Many stars, however, have used their platform to normalize mental health problems.









From sharing stories of postpartum depression to opening up about anxiety and suicidal thoughts, many of entertainment biggest names have become more vocal over the years about real-life struggles.

Their stories and their courage to talk frankly about their conditions build healthy awareness of current treatments and the importance of loving support.

Sade Giliberti

Sade Gilibertiis a former South African presenter and actor who now lives in London. She has battled depression and anxiety for years, and she openly admits to having sought out help. Now, she helps others deal with their despair by partnering with organisations like SADAG, in order to encourage as many people as possible to seek help.

Mental health is important for everyone because anyone can be affected by mental health issues. Seeking help when you’re feeling overwhelmed, depressed, or having to deal with anxiety attacks is nothing to be ashamed of. There are a lot of myths about mental health illnesses that might make you afraid of seeking help, but know that there are places you can call and people you can speak to who can help you get through it.


“It was beginning to get fuzzy―I couldn’t even tell which day or which city I was at. I would sit there at ceremonies and they would give me an award and I was just thinking about the next performance,” she told The Sun in 2011. “My mother was very persistent and she kept saying that I had to take care of my mental health.”

Chrissy Teigen

“I also just didn’t think it could happen to me. I have a great life. I have all the help I could need: John, my mother (who lives with us), a nanny. But postpartum does not discriminate,” she wrote in an essay for Glamour. “I couldn’t control it. And that’s part of the reason it took me so long to speak up: I felt selfish, icky, and weird saying aloud that I’m struggling. Sometimes I still do.”

Unathi Nkayi

You know you have reached a low point with depression when you seek the help of substances or alcohol to help deal with it. Unathi recently opened up about her battle saying alcohol was her crutch.

There were times I would rock up in my onesie with slippers on and I’d throw a tracksuit over to seem as if I made an effort, which I clearly couldn’t at my lowest of lows. There were times I would rock up stinking of alcohol from the night before, I am sure I have sat on my therapist’s sofa still drunk from the night before. BUT through it all I knew I would love the woman I was working on becoming BECAUSE I knew she deserved to be happy. Which I deeply am today.

Mmabatho Montsho

In an episode of Zaziwa, the actress opened up about her feelings of grief, and she shared her personal experiences with the audience.