Meet The Skeemsam Actress That JubJub Dated. You Will Not Believe Who It Is

The South African rapper and television presenter, Jub-Jub left people in shock after dropping a bombsell. Jub-Jub revealed that he once dated one of the hottest South African actresses, Amanda-Du-Pont. According to Jub-Jub he and Amanda dated a whole three years “Jub-Jub and Amanda-Du-Pont dated for 3 years who would’ve thought?” Asked a Twitter user who was surprised.

Jub-Jub went on to reveal that he dated Amanda-Du-Point way before he dated Kelly Khumalo, in fact, he cheated with Kelly Khumalo and that eventually resulted in him and Amanda breaking up “Apparently Jub-Jub broke up with Amanda-Du-Pont because of Kelly Khumalo” said a Twitter user who was out of words.

Since coming out, JubJub has been more of a presenter than a musician. He is mostly popular for the show that he is on than music at the moment. He barely does interviews, and doesn’t really talk much about his relationships, or past relationships.

During his interview with MacG, JubJub revealed that he was dating Amanda Du Pont, before he met Kelly. He says he dated Amanda while she was still a student, and made a mistake of on her with Kelly. He says Kelly contacted journalists, and made sure that the story about them dating was on the papers.

JubJub says he dated Amanda for three years, and they were even starting together. He says when she saw the story on the paper, she immediately packed her things, and never looked back. This is a story that people didn’t know, and they are still in disbelief.