One of the most recognisable faces in South African film and television is Rami Chuene, who made her acting debut in the hit E! drama Backstage. Later, she played Mangi Nyathi’s mother and nurse, Thato, on the E! drama Scandal. Thereafter, she was cast in a number of acclaimed films. Rami is a legend and a fan favourite because she embraces her heritage by performing in her native tongue of Sepedi. Rami is also the doting mother of three lovely daughters.
Kefiloe Chuene-Mdutyulwa
The actress’s first child is a daughter named Kefiloe. She has been spotted going out with her mum to various events, and she just tied the knot with radio and TV personality Smash Afrika. Last year, the couple also became parents to a baby boy. Kefiloe’s Instagram profile claims that she is a YouTuber, fashion designer, and model.
Nthateng Chuene
Rami’s second daughter. A few years ago, she made news when she earned a BA from Rhodes University. Her mother was overjoyed to see her daughter’s graduation images and videos posted to Instagram. Nthateng also has a passion for tattoos, as evidenced by the extensive body art she sports. Her mum helped promote her Only fans account on Twitter a few years back. Since promoting only fans is normally associated with posting private photographs and videos, Rami was naturally condemned by many for doing so in regard to her daughter.
Botshelo Desando
The mother’s final child is named Botshelo. Evidently, the girl is still in school, yet her Instagram account presents her as a model and ballerina. The similarities between her and her dad are striking. Tshepo Desando, whose mother was Rami, is her father.