Meet Teko Modise beautiful wife Kokieberry, she recently shared her cute pictures

Former professional footballer Teko Modise is married to Koketso Kokieberry Chipane. She is from Soweto in the Gauteng area of South Africa. Koketso and Modise have been married for some time, and their partnership has produced an adorable youngster.

The General and Techno M are well-known nicknames for Teko Tsholofelo Modise, a former Bafana Bafana captain and retired South African professional footballer. He is now employed at the Cape Town City Football Club.




He is from the Soweto, South Africa, slum of Meadowlands. He will be 39 years old in November 2022, having been born on December 22, 1982.

Her most recent Instagram post showed lovely photographs of her wearing an all-white ensemble and looking as beautiful as ever. The photograph captions read, “Thank you beautiful for an inspiring day @vastlysage amandadambuza #vastlysagebrunch2022.”