Many people used to social media yesterday to pay tribute to their dads in honor of Father’s Day. A picture of Tumie Machaba with her famous actor father, Mduduzi Mabaso, was tweeted by the young woman. It came as a surprise to many that the actor best known for his role as Suffocate Ndlovu in Rhythm City also had a stunning and successful offspring.
Lovely One commenter, Bonang Matheba, asked the daughter if she didn’t want a new stepmother. Since it is well-known that Mduduzi is married, the implication is that Bonang has love feelings for the actor; nonetheless, she may have been referring to Mduduzi’s new stepmother.
One commentator said this year’s Father’s Day was full of surprises because so many people talked about their famous dads.
Since Mduduzi mabaso is widely considered one of South Africa’s top performers, many people have asked Tumi how he feels about having such a cool dad. His longevity makes him a virtual mythical figure; he must be immensely revered by his offspring.