Meet Street Vendor Who Bought Brand New Car

The young lady left Mzansi impressed and motivated with her passion and perseverance in business.

Due to the high unemployment rate, many people start their small businesses to put food on their family’s table. Some sell, clothes, fruit and vegetables, and foods. While others even offer to help with cleaning the yard and washing clothes to get something to survive.

Meet a young lady here who chose her life as a street vendor. This young lady loved what she was doing and almost everyone in his village knew her. According to her statement, she completed her matric, and due to financial problems, she couldn’t make it to high institutions.





The young lady decided to start her business vegetables, every day going to the street selling vegetables. The sun was her daily bread, as it even changed her skin complexion.

Khongelani Matarasi has succeeded in her business and she even managed to buy herself a brand new car. Her business expanded and she is now supplying big shops with her fruits and vegetables.

Khongelani encouraged youth to not give up in life because some of the good things are wrapped in dirty plastic bags. You need to go the hard way before you get to the easy way, patience is more important.

After reading this article, which message can you give to our youth? leave your message below.