Meet Sphesihle Moroka from Generation beautiful pictures in real life

Pearl Noxolo Monama is a famous South African actress who was born in Witbank and raised by both if her parents.

Both parents were working at banks her mother at African Bank and father at Standard Bank. Pearl went to Benoni’s Witbank Laerskool Kragbron and Horskool Brandwag, and graduated for bachelor degree at University of Pretoria for film and Drama.

Noxolo Monana became well-known after her appearance on Generation: The Legacy, she plays a character of Sphesihle Moroka. Before her breakthrough on Generation she made appearances as an minor character in best South African drama series such as Isibaya, Isidingo and Scandal.

Her debut on Generation was back in 2016 as daughter of Jack Mabaso in real life known as Vusi Kunene. Before appearing on screen Pearl Noxolo worked as a tutor and assistant director.

Noxolo is an beautiful dark beauty and she’s active on social media especially on Instagram and sharing her personal life pictures. Take a look at Noxolo Monama amazing pictures and she’s stunning.