Meet Sithelo Shozi’s beautiful and rich sister

Andile Mpisane’s baby mother is a model, singer, DJ, and social media influencer from Umkomaas, KwaZulu-Natal. As a DJ and an artist, she is widely considered to be among the greatest in the country. She also knows her way around the bar scene. She inherited her sister’s remarkable good looks, therefore she’s attractive herself.







Sithelo’s younger sister Kate is a social media star who posts as “Miss Shozi” on Instagram and other networks. Her new husband bought her a Mercedes-Benz last year as a wedding present, and the news quickly spread. Kate and her daughter, who also received a toy Mercedes Benz from their father, posed for a photo that was later shared online.

Kate appears to live a very luxurious life, as seen by the many photographs of her glamorous outfits and exotic locales that she posts online.