Meet Reneilwe Letsholonyane lookalike son Thato, the resemblance is too strong

A former midfielder for the South African national team, Reneilwe “Yeye” Letsholonyane is now a retired professional footballer. He was a member of South Africa’s international team. Soweto, South Africa, is where he grew up. He was born on this day in 1982, which makes him 36 years old. He is currently married to Mpho Letsholonyane and they have two beautiful children together. Mpho Letsholonyane is a South African media personality with a wide range of skills.



Recent images of Mpho’s youngster have gone viral on the internet.Toshio is the name of their son, who bears an uncanny likeness to his father.

A striking likeness exists between the father and son.There are captions for the images “Every day, I ask God to help me do the right thing by you.

Regardless, I pray that you will find comfort in the fact that I am here to support you.

When your peers start calling you “indods mist,” I pray I remain the spot where you know you never have to be or do anything but yourself, even as you grow and start experiencing the numerous pressures that life throws at men “For further information, please see the following link: