Meet Mnini Mseleku the Mzansi’s favorites from Uthando Nesthembu and his beautiful pictures

Fourth wife Mbali MaNgwabe-Mseleku rounds up the entire name of MaKhumalo, whose full name is Thobile Khumalo-Mseleku. Musa’s older daughter Snenhlanhla and son Mpilonhle are not members of his Isithembu tribe.

Mnini Mseleku, Musa Mseleku’s bright and savvy young son, is currently between the ages of five and six. Uthando Nesthembu has recently developed a fondness for Mnini. The man has incredible mental prowess.

Thobile Khumalo- Mseleku, also known as MaKhumalo, and his fourth wife, Mbali MaNgwabe- Mseleku. Musa has two children outside of his Isithembu: Snenhlanhla, an older daughter, and Mpilonhle.

Mnini Mseleku, Musa’s young son, is incredibly perceptive for his age (he’s just 5 or 6). Uthando Nesthembu has decided that Mnini is his preferred slang term. It’s incredible to see how much he can think. Check out some of the amazing photographs taken by Mnini Mseleku.

Take a look at these awesome images taken by Mnini Mseleku. He inherited his father Musa’s brilliance and shrewdness. Mnini is the youngest of Musa Mseleku’s three sons.