Meet Maponga’s beautiful wife, She’s the pretty girl in pink below

Every time we hear Maponga talk, we learn one or two things. Because of this one fact, I started to wonder who the woman was behind this wild, passionate, and smart man.




Maponga is a well-educated man who comes from Zimbabwe, which is right next to us. Joshua is married and has two daughters, both of whom he keeps out of sight and out of mind.

She is so cute! She is a person who doesn’t mind speaking her mind, and sometimes she joins Joshua in his online chats and segments. They’ve been married for a while and seem to be happy.

Maponga is one of the few foreign pastors or men of God who are wanted to stay in South Africa. She looks great with a bald head or a wild afro. The reason is clear. The man didn’t get the nickname “the creative powerhouse” out of the blue.