Meet Julius Malema ex girlfriend that got people talking

Regardless of the position in which they are currently employed, everyone has had a previous life. Finding true love on your first attempt is extremely rare. For many people, it takes a number of different people before they finally meet the right one, whom they refer to as a true lover. The process occurs in the vast majority of people’s lives. Even those in positions of authority can experience difficulties in the area of love.






As a result, Khanyi Mbau has been trending on Twitter since yesterday, following an altercation with her husband that resulted in her returning to South Africa without informing him of her decision. Khanyi was labeled as a woman who falls in love with wealthy men and then uses them before dumping them, according to the most recent trending news. While everyone was preoccupied with the Khanyi situation, a tweet revealed the existence of another woman by the name of Lizele Tabane, who is the ex-girlfriend of Julius Malema and the former girlfriend of retired footballer Teko Modise.

Lizelle Tabane had a relationship with Julius Malema back when he was still the president of the ANC youth league. In the past, they were frequently seen together at important events. They were a popular couple at the time, but unfortunately, their relationship did not last for a long time after that. They ended up breaking up, and Lizelle went on to date Teko Modise.