Meet Herman Mashaba’s daughter

Herman Mashaba came to the public eye as the founder of Black Like Me hair products and he was best known in the 90s. And he came back to the public eye as the Democratic Alliance mayorial candidate in 2016 and he went on to be elected the Mayor with the help of EFF. During his term he never achieved clean audit but he did a great job by renovating dilapidated and highjacked flats. No one knows where he did he get that inspiration to do that or was from the collective mandate of DA caucus or it was his own vision. But the insource was an EFF idea. But Herman became more popular with his rant on foreign nationals, he wanted them to leave his City (Johannesburg). Unfortunately, he was upopular within his own caucus and he couldn’t take the heat, he resigned and formed his own party , Action SA.




Though some people are praising his party for performing well but in truth, he failed because the plan was to win elections not to be number 3. Mashaba hails from Hammerskraal, outside Pretoria. He have been married to Connie for many years and yesterday he shared the picture of the product of that marriage, his daughter, one of his children. Not sure what his daughter does bit he says he is proud of what she turned to be.