Nozi Langa (Glenda) of Skeem Saam recently tied the knot in a traditional ceremony and setting. She took mzansi with both hands after she revealed her better half, after which we had been waiting for what seemed like an eternity.
Nozi Langa, the actress from Skeem Saam, recently tied the knot with her long-term boyfriend, Boipelo Molao, whom she had only known for four months. The actress has just announced that she is now Mrs Molao, following her engagement to the actor in May of this year. She is best known for her role as Glenda Mogotsi in Skeem Saam, a local SABC 1 production in which she portrays the character. Nozi Langa, the actress from Skeem Saam, has announced that she has officially retired from the dating scene after revealing that she recently tied the knot.
Mzansi has reacted positively to this development, praising the fact that they are both young and inexperienced, and that they did not wait another year to get to know one another. As you can see in these pictures, the couple appears to be in love, which is evident in their appearance. Her significant other also took to his Instagram account to share pictures from their traditional wedding. Mrs Molao shared their wedding photos on her Instagram stories today, following their wedding ceremony in Bendor, Limpopo territory, which took place yesterday afternoon.
It is important for anyone who has been keeping an eye on her or her husband to be aware that the beautiful couple is no longer single. They were single for a while, then they started dating and eventually fell in love with each other. Watch out for Nozi Langa, who plays the role of Glenda Mogotsi on the educational soapie, as she will be bringing new actions to the show every weekday.
Let’s share pictures of her traditional wedding and show her how much we appreciate her efforts.
Here are some additional images: