One of the key characters in the drama series Uzalo, which is set in the kwaMashu township, is Baby Cele, a professional actress from KwaZulu-Natal. Without a doubt Baby Cele is one of the top actress in Mzansi.
When she performs in the renowned Mzansi regional theater, Uzalo, she goes by the stage name Gabisile. The actress from uMlazi is well-known around the world.
Little Cele has appeared as an extra in a number of TV episodes, taking on a variety of roles. In her years working in the sector, she has gained a lot of knowledge. She is also aware of the right course of action.
Yolisa Cele, Baby Cele’s daughter, is a popular actress as well.
Her mother must be overjoyed that her daughter looks up to her. Yolisa works in both acting and public relations.
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