Meet Bishop Desmond Tutu’s grand daughter former Skeem Saam actress and the Queen actress

Bishop Desmond Mpilo Tutu is best known as anti-apartheid cleric activist. He won a Noble Peace Prize in 1984 for his peaceful fight against the apartheid regime. During the apartheid days he was a bishop of Johannesburg between 1985 to 1986 and then the Archbishop of Cape Town from 1986 till the the new despension in 1996. He was the first black African to hold the position. He was a truth commission chairman.

Tutu who is Xhosa got a son called Trevor who is known in the media for wrong reasons.




Trevor’s brush with the law started when, he was also an activist, in 1985, he was arrested without charge under South Africa’s state-of-emergency regulations after he disrupted a court hearing for dozens of black schoolchildren detained by police for boycotting classes. He was also arrested for swearing at a white police officer on the 80s during apartheid.

Natasha Thahane who was on Skeem Saam and current playing Amogelang on the Queen is the daughter of Trevor Tutu. Natasha studied film at New York Film Academy in 2018, before landing roles at Lockdown, The Queen.