Meet A Traditional Healer Who Would Marry Two Wives On The Same Day

man says he is planning to marry his two wives on the same day. Mr Khumbulani Mabalengwe Ntombela who is a traditional healer from Melmoth has payed lobola for his wife Zandile Dube from Maphumulo and also did uMembeso on Sunday. The next day on Monday he went to Xobho to pay lobola for his second wife Mabusi Chili. Ntombela stated that he is doing this to show his wives that he love them equally.

‘I have to marry them both on the same day, i would not hide the fact that i love them both and the three of us have been living together. They both love each other so i don’t see a problem if i marry them both on the same day.’ Stated Ntombela

When Zandile Dube( the wife Ntombela started paying lobola for) was asked about how she feels, she said she doesn’t see a problem if her husband want to be with both of them because it’s love that connected and brought them together. She revealed that she started dating Ntombela in 2018 and that she’s happy that he finally did the right thing.
‘I am happy because this shows that he is trustworthy and he also keep his promises. Me and Mabusi don’t have a problem with each other, we don’t see any reason to fight because all that matters is that we are in love with one man. There are more women than men, unity and helping each other is important. Mabusi would be able to cover for me where ever I’ve failed.’ Stated Zandile

Mabusi Chili who has dated Ntombela since 2012 stated that the news of marriage are shocking but also makes her happy as many years have passed since she waited for this to happen. She mention that they have been discussing the matter of getting married all these past years.

‘There are some certain important things that i knew he was still busy with that is why i never rushed him to marry me. Another thing he wanted to build a house that satisfies him first before he pay lobola for us. I love Zandile because we respect each other and we have also managed to be friends all these years. People even call us twins because we are always together.’ Stated Mabusi

Ntombela stated that he has many big plans for his wives and he trust them that they would continue loving each other always.