Mdala makes a huge return on Scandal

Mdala has been off the screen for a long time after he was arrested early this year due to money laundering and attempted murder which made him, to lose everything that he has worked hard for it on his life.




They are rumors that Mdala’s return might be a way that will allow Lindiwe to exit the show because of her pregnancy. Nhlamulo is not sure if it’s his child or not because Mdala has been sleeping with her until Nhlaks found out about this, which has made him to bring this guy down.

It’s a matter of time before Mdala hears about Lindiwe’s pregnancy and this might make him to destruct Nhlaks and use it as a weapon to seek for his revenge, maybe Lindiwe will be running for his life after hearing that Mdala wants to reach out to them, because the guy cannot be trusted and they have stolen his money and his business.