Mbali Attempts To Take Her Own Life.

Mbali Attempts To Take Her Own Life

Mbali is now desperate and the thought of losing Jojo does not sit well with her. Her lies has backfired and she resorts to commit suicide. Her problems are too heavy for her to carry and the only way out is to kill herself. If she was honest and transparent from the beginning none of this would be happening. Mbali made her bed now she should sleep on it.




I feel sorry for Winnie. Mbali is too selfish. She forgot what she put her sister through now she wants to leave her with a fatherless child. Mbali does not think things through before she acts. If she does not die but ends up in hospital all her lies will be exposed. Jojo will finally know that she is not pregnant.

Her attempt to commit suicide shows that she is controlled by emotions. She really loves Jojo more than life itself. I hope when she wakes up the truth about the baby will be revealed. We are tired of Mbali’s lies.

This is just obsession over her rich man Jojo. If she was independent and doing everything for herself none of this would be happening. She is used to the soft life she was living and does not want to go back to live with her poor family.

It is sad how you would think you are marrying someone you know, someone you trust or someone who has loyalty only to find out that you have married your worst nightmare, a lier and a betrayer.