Master KG is a well known South African DJ who Garnered Success After his Hit Song Jerusalema.The Song Earned The House DJ international Stardom and Success.
Master KG gained new Fame and Recognition over the Song Jerusalema after it trended During the pandemic with many Healthcare Workers Worldwide starting a Dance Challenge with the Song.
The Song later on Blew Up internationally and Many Versions of the Song came out in different Languages from Different Artists.
South Africans were especially Happy about this as this meant their Own was Soaring High and Getting the Recognition he Deserved for his Work as a DJ.
Master KG and Nomcebo were praised by South Africans for Job well done with the Song Jerusalema but this was also rather Met with Hate from some people.
Master KG received many Accolades for the song.He got Plaques,Deals, Sponsorships and Big Money.However South Africans were displeased at the Fact Nomcebo was nowhere to be Seen to Share in the Accolades of the Song by the DJ.
Recently Master KG struck a Nerve in S.A for what he Had done.Master KG recently Travelled to Italy to Perform and Fans Were Stunned to find out what he had done during the Performance.
Master KG had brought on Stage another Vocalist to sing the Song Jerusalema and this infuriated Fans everywhere.South Africans felt Master KG had done something unlawful to Nomcebo.
South Africans Said that Master KG should have let Nomcebo Sing the Song as she was the Original Vocalist.Although not everyone shared in these thoughts as some Understood why Master KG had done what he had done.
Some Explained that the Song was Master KG’s and it belonged to Him and Nomcebo was just a Features and in Turn gave Master KG power to do whatever he wanted with it.
South Africans had a lot to Share regarding these Events and Went to Twitter to express their Views and Opinions on this Matter.
Here are some of the Comments South Africans Shared,See Here: