Maskandi Singers Ali Mgube and Mthandeni involved in drama

He claimed that Mthandeni “Igcokama Elisha” Manqele, a colleague, used his name without his consent on his most recent album, Amajitha.



One of the musicians mentioned as appearing in the song Blow Job is Ali.

“I’ve heard the song, and I know of it. I’m not involved with it. I’m upset that my brand was exploited without my consent. I take offense because it gives a false idea of myself and my profession. Mthandeni misled the public with what he did. People will purchase his record in the mistaken belief that I would be singing on it. But when they find out that I’m not mentioned, they’ll be disappointed,” said Ali.

“I want to let Maskandi lovers and supporters know that I’m not on Mthandeni’s record. I was never asked about this song, and I have no knowledge of it. Without asking for my consent, he used my name,” Ali continued.

He said he considered confronting Mthandeni but decided against it. I thought about suing him for damages at first, but I changed my mind. Suing him would make me appear desperate and attention-seeking. Mthandeni’s supporters are too ready to defend him, therefore I made the decision to ignore him as well. I understand that he wants to make a scene out of this, but I won’t participate, he added.

“I talked to my team about this, and we realized that this is just his marketing approach. He wants to spread rumors. Anything he could do to gain popularity. People are aware that we are not best friends, therefore I say this. Therefore, if he employs this tactic, they might suddenly believe that our differences have been resolved. I won’t entertain him due to this. I’ll leave him alone, Ali said.

After hearing the music, Daily Sun is able to attest that Ali is not included in it. Instead, Ali is being mimicked by someone.

Mthandeni asserted that he did not require Ali’s consent to include his name on the album. “I didn’t need Ali’s approval. He must even be appreciative that I ever brought up his name. He had been forgotten, so I brought him back, said Mthandeni.