Maphorisa causes a frenzy with his recent pictures holding a Hermes Birkin handbag.

We are living in times where fashion has changed and it’s no longer about a specific gender. Now we have outfits that are unisex and besides unisex, it’s no longer somehow or judgemental to see a male holding a female item or the other way around. That’s how much times have changed.

Maphorisa is a dj, rapper and producer. He also goes by the name of Madumane which is his rap stage name. He is amongst some of the best producers in the country. We are listening to Amapiano because of the likes of him. He is also a fashionista and never misses when it comes to his outfits.

He is one of the people that are not afraid of trying something new when it comes to fashion. He shared pictures of himself holding a Hermes Birkin hand bag. The dj seems to be enjoying his handbag. His fans couldn’t stop gushing over him. We like the confidence.