Manaka Ranaka posted a picture with Mr Moroka and Mrekza commented and left people laughing

Mandalay Ranaka is a South African media personality and she is also a great actress as well and she has been in the industry for more than 20 years.

She celebrated her 20 years of working in the acting industry with her close family and friends and it all looked amazing.

It was a black and gold theme and they even bought a huge gift as a family.She is now part of a telenovela called Generations the legacy as Lucy Makhafola.

She plays her role so well and she really loves her work as well so much.She has worked on other telenovela’s such as Lockdown,stokvel,inkaba and many other ones.

She has three very beautiful children whom she loves so much and always posts them on her social media pages at all times.

She recently posted pictures of herself with the General crew of which are her co workers and she posted a video of herself with Mr Moroka acknowledging that she has worked with him before.

On the it showed video Mrekza taking lucy away from the Mr Moroka and it was very funny.