When it comes to hygiene, many South African shops don’t take it seriously. There have been many people who took it to social media to complain about shops not practicing good hygiene. A few days ago, there was a trending tweet about a lady who bought fast food from one of the famous restaurants, and when she got home, she found that the meat was all bloody inside, that it wasn’t well cooked, and that it was just fried. What is even worse is that no matter how we complain, they don’t take our complaints seriously; they know we need them more than they need us.
Following all that, there is another trending post of a man who went to one of the famous local stores to buy meat, only to see something that made him never want that meat anymore. This man saw a living rat inside the store fridge. He said the rat was busy eating the meat, and when he told the lady at the till, she just chased it away like it was nothing serious. When he told the manager, he just said the store must be cleaned and never bother to take out the meat that the rat was eating.
This man was very disappointed at this store; he even said he trusted and loved meat from this shop, but after what he saw, he will never ever buy from it. A rat can cause various foreign diseases. There are people who eat rats, mostly in China, but doctors have warned that it can cause some bad diseases. Other than that, this is all not hygienic. See the photo below:
In my opinion, the manager should have done something more than just clean; he should have stopped people from buying that meat until the fridge was empty and all the meat was thrown away, because clearly it wasn’t the first time. Even the department of health should send inspectors to shops so that they can inspect if hygiene is being practiced.