Mamkhize is a South African businesswoman and reality TV star. She is renowned for her reality TV show known as KwaMamkhize. In this reality TV show Mamkhize shows the viewers some insights on her personal life and the things she does on a daily basis. She also is the owner of a soccer team which plays in the DSTV Premier Soccer League known as Royal AM.
She recently shared on social media that she was in a radio station with Robert Marawa. She also shared that she had an amazing time at this show. She also was very thankful to Robert Marawa, as she also stated the Robert gave her the platform to speak her truth. She also posted some pictures of herself and Robert and posted them on social media.
People on social media also reacted after seeing these pictures, as others stated that they loved Mamkhize’s look on these pictures.
Here are some of the comments that people on social media made after seeing these pictures that Mamkhize posted.