Phindile Gwala is a South African actress who is well-known for the role that she played on Muvhango as Noni. She recently posted a video of herself on social media doing the “funda thembi challenge” which has been trending on social media. A number of people on social media were saying that Phindile nailed this challenge, as she did it perfectly.
South African businesswoman and owner of Premier Soccer League Royal AM, Mamkhize was left in stitches after seeing this video. She certainly found what Phindile Gwala was doing very funny.
A number of people also found this video that Phindile posted very funny as they also could not stop themselves from laughing. After posting this video she was also wishing people a happy Sunday, as some also wished her a happy Sunday as well.
Here are some of the comments that people on social media made after seeing these videos that Phindile Gwala posted.