MaMkhize chases the sun in Namibia, shares vacation pictures

The business visionary unscripted television star and humanitarian Shauwn Mkhize, whom we know and love as MaMkhize, bid her granddaughter Baby Flo goodbye as she is an extended get-away. She wrote her granddaughter a sweet message concerning the amount she misses her as of now. Child Flo is a particularly fortunate young lady to be adored this way.

MamKhize’s posts




Later every one of the occasions she facilitated and things she commended this December alone, the KZN based financial specialist isn’t halting similarly at this point. On the seventeenth of December, she praised her child Andile Mpisane’s wedding with Tamia. On the 21st of December, she began offering 20 homes to less special families to praise her organization’s twenty years of progress.

Shauwn then, at that point, facilitated Somizi’s birthday get-together in her home on the 23rd of December then, at that point, facilitated three ages of her family for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Later these events, one may accept that she’s exhausted at this moment, however the star has get-away plans. At this moment, an excursion could be exactly what she wants. December has been very bright for her however so has the remainder of the year.

Mamkhize’s outfit and luggage

MaMkhize was hung in the silk creature print night robe she wore in her family’s photoshoot on the 24th of December en route to the air terminal. Her baggage is a full Luis Vuitton set fit for joyriders. The one who went with MamKhize in comparative baggage asked where they were going. Shauwn just said she doesn’t as yet know, yet they’re pursuing the sun. This implies that they’ll conclude when they’re at the air terminal. Talk about objectives!

MamKhize’s reality

This lady can bear everything and anything. Her way of life is a top level one. Individuals go through months arranging a nearby excursion, yet she settles in a hurry.

My reality is my principles mantra.

The idea of ‘ pursuing the sun ‘ is just for the individuals who can bear to take a large number of trips to various nations, and not stress over convenience costs even the slightest bit. This is the sort of everyday routine Shauwn Mkhize is experiencing, and when she says, “My reality, my standards,” she implies she does what she needs when she needs.